
Yellow poplar Learn more about Yellow poplar

  • The insect on the edge of the vegetable field-the yellow poplar silk borer

    The insect on the edge of the vegetable field-the yellow poplar silk borer

    The flowers bloom in spring and the insects begin to move. During the recent activities of science and technology going to the countryside, it was found that a pest, "boxwood silk borer", began to occur and damage on the roadside of the park. The yellow poplar silk borer is one of the common pests in plants, such as yellow poplar, melon seed, big leaf yellow poplar, small leaf yellow poplar, sparrow tongue yellow poplar, spoon leaf yellow poplar, Korean yellow poplar, holly and so on, which occur in Shanghai and other provinces and cities. Shanghai has three or four generations in a year, and the times overlap seriously. Usually spring starts in March, pupation begins in mid-April, Eclosion begins in late April, and the first generation is young in early May.

  • Why do you like bird tongue and yellow poplar? Enjoy the boxwood bonsai, just look at these points.

    Why do you like bird tongue and yellow poplar? Enjoy the boxwood bonsai, just look at these points.

    Why do you like bird tongue and yellow poplar? Enjoy the boxwood bonsai to see these things. Why do you like boxwood with finch tongue? Enjoy the boxwood bonsai to see these things. Why do you like boxwood with finch tongue? Enjoy the boxwood bonsai to see these things. Why do you like boxwood with finch tongue? ...

  • Why did boxwood turn reddish brown?

    Why did boxwood turn reddish brown?

    Q: I used the brown soil that I planted with tea trees to plant small yellow poplars last spring. Months have passed since then, and the small yellow poplars have gradually withered and become dead. I don't know why. How to save it? Answer: most of the tea trees cultivated in the south are acid yellow brown soil, whether it is cultivated big leaf yellow poplar or melon seed yellow poplar, sparrow tongue yellow poplar, etc., there is no soil unsuitable problem. I guess your unit should plant guazihuang poplar. Due to the dry weather after entering autumn, coupled with the low temperature and cold weather in winter, some yellow poplar seedlings that have not yet grown roots have yet to grow.

  • What are the characteristics of poplar? What are the functions?

    What are the characteristics of poplar? What are the functions?

    Poplar is a common deciduous tree, generally up to 15 to 30 meters high, with silver-white bark. Poplar is often seen in daily life. What are the characteristics of poplar? What are the functions? First, the characteristics of poplar 1. Strong vitality: poplar

    2020-11-09 Poplar have what characteristics function poplar is a kind of
  • How many years can the latest poplar live?

    How many years can the latest poplar live?

    Poplar is a general term for deciduous trees of the genus Populus of the family Populus, including Populus euphratica, Populus tomentosa, Populus tomentosa and so on. The leaves turn yellow before defoliation, and the roots are highly aggressive and cannot be planted near houses and water pipes. They all belong to more than 100 species, mainly distributed in Europe.

    2020-11-10 The latest poplar can live how many years for willow family poplar genus
  • Appreciation of bonsai pictures of Pearl and Yellow Poplar

    Appreciation of bonsai pictures of Pearl and Yellow Poplar

    English name: Pearl yellow poplar alias: fish scale yellow poplar Latin name: Buxussinicavar.parvifolia family genus: Populus tomentosa family distribution: Anhui Dabie Mountain, Huangshan Mountain, Lushan Mountain in Jiangxi Province and other pearl boxwood, also known as Chinese old tree, fish scale wood

  • How much is the price of small leaf yellow poplar and big leaf yellow poplar? What's the difference between them? How to breed it?

    How much is the price of small leaf yellow poplar and big leaf yellow poplar? What's the difference between them? How to breed it?

    Populus tomentosa, numerous valleys, streams, under forests, 1200-2600 m above sea level. It is produced in many provinces and regions of China, some of which belong to cultivation. Here, let's take a look at the price of small leaf yellow poplar and big leaf yellow poplar. What's the difference between them? How to breed it? How much is the price of small leaf yellow poplar and big leaf yellow poplar?

  • How many years can poplars live?

    How many years can poplars live?

    How many years can poplars live?

  • Medicinal flowers: Populus tomentosa

    Medicinal flowers: Populus tomentosa

    1. Source of Populus tomentosa [BuxussinicaCheng (B.micrphyllaSeb.etZucc.var.HehdetWils.)] Alias Douban yellow poplar, oolong wood, Childe boxwood, mountain yellow poplar. Populus tomentosa is native to Japan and is cultivated in all provinces in central China. Su Ling called yellow poplar and golden finch, Yingchun and velvet needle cypress as the "four masters" of bonsai trees. Ouyang said that yellow poplar "is not a pine, but a pavilion is like a cypress", and has a good comment on the green of yellow poplar.

  • Brief introduction of Populus tomentosa, one of the top ten famous trees in China, how to raise it

    Brief introduction of Populus tomentosa, one of the top ten famous trees in China, how to raise it

    Poplar bonsai trees are graceful, with leaves as small as beans, thick and shiny, evergreen all the year round, and can be watched all the year round. Yang Pai boxwood bonsai, branches and leaves after cutting processing, into a cloud sheet, as thin as cut, and then embellished with rocks, elegant and picturesque. The young leaves of Populus tomentosa are young in spring, and the trees are green and pleasing to the eye. The ancients sang Huang Yang's poems

  • How to raise the stump of the latest Populus tomentosa

    How to raise the stump of the latest Populus tomentosa

    Yellow poplar likes light, because proper light can better promote photosynthesis; yellow poplar likes water, because its root system is not developed enough, it is relatively difficult to absorb water, and it needs external water supply to ensure water supply; yellow poplar is cold-resistant, because most of the wild plants grow at high elevations.

    2020-11-10 The latest yellow poplar yellow poplar downhill pile how raise
  • How much is the price of shrub leafy yellow poplar seedlings? How do you plant it? How to make bonsai trees?

    How much is the price of shrub leafy yellow poplar seedlings? How do you plant it? How to make bonsai trees?

    Populus tomentosa, also known as Populus tomentosa, is a shrub of the genus Populus of the family Populus, with low growth, dense branches, cylindrical branches, flowers held in March and fruit in May-June. So how much is the price of small poplar seedlings? How do you plant it? How to make bonsai trees? How much is the price of small poplar seedlings?

  • Cultivation techniques of "Yellow Poplar"

    Cultivation techniques of

    "Huang Yang" alias: Holly spear, Zhenggi. Scientific name: BuxusmicrophyllaSieb.etZucc family: Populus tomentosa. Tree species characteristics: Populus tomentosa, also known as melon seeds, thousand-year-old dwarf, evergreen shrubs or small trees of the family Populus. The trunk is gray and smooth, with dense branches and four-angled branches. Leaves opposite, leathery, entire, elliptic or Obovate, apex rounded or retuse, surface bright green, abaxially yellowish green. Flowers clustered in leaf axils or branch ends, blooming from April to May, flowers yellowish green. The cucurbit fruit is oval.

  • A yellow poplar has been raised for more than 20 years. I wanted to sell it and make some money for tobacco and alcohol, but I was confused and paid 128 yuan.

    A yellow poplar has been raised for more than 20 years. I wanted to sell it and make some money for tobacco and alcohol, but I was confused and paid 128 yuan.

    A boxwood has been raised for more than 20 years. I wanted to sell it to make some money for tobacco and alcohol, but I was confused and paid 128 yuan for a while. The conservation of yellow poplar has planted several plants in each of our families. Because, in our countryside, there is such a custom. It is said that there is a yellow poplar at home.

  • Appreciation of red sandalwood bonsai pictures

    Appreciation of red sandalwood bonsai pictures

    English name: red sandalwood alias: green dragon wood, yellow cypress wood, rose wood, flower palm wood, feather sandalwood Latin name: Pterocarpusindicus family genus: Leguminosae red sandalwood red sandalwood tree is one of the world's precious wood, red sandalwood bonsai has always been favored by bonsai lovers

  • Distribution area and growth habits of Populus tomentosa

    Distribution area and growth habits of Populus tomentosa

    Boxwood is a kind of precious tree species for making bonsai. It is a woody plant, which is common in landscaping and suitable for bonsai production.

  • What kind of environment is best for Populus tomentosa to grow?

    What kind of environment is best for Populus tomentosa to grow?

    Boxwood is a kind of precious tree species for making bonsai. It is a woody plant, which is common in landscaping and suitable for bonsai production.

  • Control techniques of yellow poplar inchworm

    Control techniques of yellow poplar inchworm

    First, the harm: silk cotton, yellow poplar, Wei spear, elm, poplar, willow and so on. The larvae gather the leaves to feed, eat up the leaves and eat the skin of the twigs, resulting in the death of the whole plant. Second, the law of occurrence: there are 3 generations of 2murs a year, overwintering as pupae. Adults inhabit hidden places of branches and leaves during the day, move at night, mate, and lay eggs on the back of the leaves, arranged in double rows or blocks. There are dozens to more than a hundred eggs. Most of the eggs hatched at 5: 00 in the morning, the leaves were harmed, the skins were eaten, and the mature larvae fell into the soil and pupated.

  • Bonsai appreciation: a yellow poplar has grown like this in 15 years.

    Bonsai appreciation: a yellow poplar has grown like this in 15 years.

    In the bonsai circle, there is a saying: "in the past ten years, people have raised bonsai and bonsai for ten years." When I touch the bonsai, I don't believe it's true, but I can't deny it. There is a pot of boxwood in the bonsai shop.

  • Introduction to Jinxin boxwood bonsai

    Introduction to Jinxin boxwood bonsai

    Introduction to Jinxin boxwood bonsai
